The God of heaven and earth, who created everything, formed mankind in his image and likeness. Among
other qualities that he infused in us are the ability to create and to be creative. In this regard, when we
create, we display the glory of God on planet Earth. It is to the Creator’s glory that we exercise our artistic and creative abilities.
To provide participants with the opportunity to display the glory of their Maker as they explore their creative abilities.
One of the most fascinating ways through which human creativity is expressed is through the arts. In fact, the arts play a central role in collective society. From the standpoint of the past, the arts have served to document and immortalize certain aspects of human life. A lot of history is learned through the art of the
past. In the present, the arts serve as a mirror for society. If you want to know about people, observe
their works of art. But the power of the arts stretches into the future. The artist gift has been used to
influence and shape society toward a certain desired future. As such, the artistic gift is a powerful tool in
the hands of the artist. It follows that a well-grounded artist will help to influence society in the right
To help disciple the artist so
that they, in turn, will influence and shape society through their art. In our minds, we envision Christian
creatives who surrender their lives to God, honour him with their creative ability, and touch the world around them with Godly art. The arts are a tool for communication. Think music, dance, poetry, writing, drawing, painting, drama, film,
the list goes on. Every true follower of Jesus has been given the mandate to make disciples of all nations. The arts can and have been used as a means of communication.
To give participants the opportunity to learn how to use their artistic gifting to spread the
Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ and to make disciples in obedience to the Great Commission.
The exploration of the arts is a means through which people get to know themselves better and to find
psychological, emotional, and spiritual healing.
To help young artists get to know themselves better, perhaps find themselves, and experience healing. At Wendo, one of the ways that God has blessed us with the tools necessary for ministering healing to those who have experienced
trauma. The ministry of healing would be an important component in the camps.
For community impact, for positive entertainment, creative sharing of the Gospel and mentorship opportunities for young budding artists from within the community.
Wendo is situated in a rural community that includes homesteads, schools, churches, and a nearby village and shopping centre. This kind of location provides considerable potential
for community impact. The art created at the multi-arts retreats can be used as an evangelistic tool to reach the immediate community and the city of Nakuru as a whole.
The creation and establishment of Wendo as a creative hub for Christian artists.
We know that discipleship is not a one-off event. It’s a process.
We also know that creativity and
collaboration in the artistic endeavour improves with repeated contact. And we acknowledge that creatives crave the gift of community. To meet these needs, we envision a community of creatives that meets regularly, perhaps quarterly or even bimonthly, to spend time in God’s presence and to create together. As new participants join in, the creative community will grow. In effect, Wendo will turn into a creative space that artists will call home.
To execute or produce professionally recorded projects.
The creative journey will eventually lead to a natural desire to grow in something of a professional direction and to record or immortalize the works of art. In reality, not everything will be recorded, and it may not even be wise to try recording everything at a professional level, but it will definitely be a desirable thing
to deliver a professionally recorded project. These Wendo productions can be used for the spread of the
Gospel, for the development of funding for Wendo-related ministries and as a platform to launch some artists into active ministry in the area of their gifting