■ Literacy club every Saturday – children ages 5 to 13 from the village around Wendo, spend ½ day (8:30am to 12.45pm) in reading, playing and Lifeskills sessions.
■ Bible Exposition every Thurdsay throughout the year, 11am to 2.30pm, with lunch shared thereafter.
– The emphasis of expository Bible study is in verse by verse examination of the Word of God. The expository method of Bible study seeks to present truths, concepts and principles that are taught by a Scripture passage.
This is an open table and all are welcome to join. Whereas no prior registration is asked of participants, we demand orderliness and punctuality for all interested in visiting.
10.45am : Arrival and orientation.
11am to 1145am : Prayers, Praise n Worship.
11.50 to Noon : Testimony
Noon to 2pm : Expo
2.00pm to 2.20pm : QnA, close